唯一要建議阿民的是,你今天的內角球投得不太好,太容易被看出壞球。雖然最後好壞球比例快變成 2:1,和魔鬼魚隊的先發投手幾乎是1:1的內容來看,阿民算不錯。下一場阿民要對紅襪,嘿嘿,不知為何,總覺得會是場勝投...我想太多了...回過頭來講,雖然沒拿下勝投做了場白工,但內容不錯,希望阿民找回自信,下一場更加油,對了,我想要公視的阿民搖頭公仔....
: http://www.nypost.com/sports/yankees/67650.htm
: April 27, 2006 --
: Pitching is as much about the head as it is the arm, as much about the brain
: as it is the body.
對投球來說, 頭腦和手臂是一樣重要的, 就如同腦子之於身體一般
: And as far as Yankee pitching coach Ron Guidry is concerned, all struggling
: starter Chien-Ming Wang needed was a confidence boost to shake his malaise -
: and last night might have been it.
而就洋基隊投教 Ron Guidry 關心所至, 那個還在掙扎的先發投手 - 王建民 -
唯一需要的就是一場充滿自信的好投, 才能消除他的心神不寧
: Wang was long gone by the time Mariano Rivera gave up two runs in the 10th
: inning for a 4-2 Yankee loss to Tampa Bay. But it was Wang's strong seven-
: inning start that kept the Bombers in it despite squandering chance after
雖然當 Rivera 在第 10 局丟掉兩分而讓洋基隊以 4-2 輸給魔鬼魚的時候,
場上的勝負早已經跟小王無關了. 但就是因為小王的七局好投, 使得比賽一直
緊張刺激 - 如果他們沒有自己丟掉一個又一個的機會的話
: "This one was on our offense, because our pitchers pitched great,"
: said Johnny Damon, while manager Joe Torre said, "He was good. He gave us
: seven strong innings, settled in real well."
"這場會輸都是我們打擊不行, 因為我們的投手實在投得太好了" Damon 說
總教頭 Torre 亦說 "小王真的很棒, 帶給我們七局的好投, 他這場狀況相當好"
: After rushing his pace and giving up lone runs in the first and second innin\
: Wang allowed just one more hit for the rest of his evening. He struck out
: three, and pitched well enough to win - if the Yankees could've supported him.
雖然在前兩局步調被打亂, 並且各丟掉了一分
但是小王在剩下的投球局數中, 僅僅被擊出一隻安打, 並且K 掉三名打者
: "He settled down and did a lot of good things and pitched a hell of a game
: after those two runs," said Jorge Posada. "We told him to just trust his
: stuff and pitch your game, don't try to be somebody else. He calmed down
: after that."
"小王的表現相當穩定, 並且在被拿下那兩分之後的表現簡直棒透了!" Posada 說
"我們告訴他只要好好投球, 剩下的就只要相信其他隊友就好了, 不需要去想著一人擔負
勝敗重責. 而他之後就冷靜了下來"
: After walking Carl Crawford to lead off the game, he went 3-0 on Tomas Perez
: to elicit a mound visit from Guidry and Posada. He needed just three pitches
: to fan Perez, and despite allowing those two runs, he slowed down and settled
: down.
在一開賽保送了 Carl Crawford 之後, 小王又對 Tomas Perez 投出了連續三個壞球
使得 Guidry 和 Posada 趕忙上投手丘關切. 接下來他連續三個好球K 掉了 Perez.
如果我們不看丟掉的那兩分的話, 可說自此他已把步調慢下來, 穩定地進入狀況
: "He was rushing a little. He needs to take his time. He works better when he
: works a little slower," Guidry said. "He's been struggling. It was good [
: for him]. He slowed himself down from the third inning on, and he was a
: different pitcher, the pitcher we're accustomed to seeing."
"他好像有點太急躁了, 他需要把自己的節奏找回來. 而他如果稍微放慢一點的話
他就會投得更好" Guidry 說,
"他經過了一點掙扎, 但這對他有好處. 他從第三局起把步調慢下來,
好像變了一個人似的, 又變回我們所熟悉的那個小王了"
: After going 8-5 with a 4.02 ERA last year, he came in with a 5.48 ERA off
: a loss against Baltimore in which he was charged with six runs.
雖然去年有著8 勝5 敗, 4.02 ERA 的戰績, 但小王今年因為在對金鶯戰一連丟掉六分,
ERA 已升高到 5.48
: "I was glad he pitched a good game for his confidence," Guidry said.
: "That's what he needs to do, gain confidence in what he's doing, and he'll
: continue to get better.
"我很高興看到他充滿自信地投出了一場好球" Guidry 說,
"這就是他需要去做的, 他只要增加自信心, 就一定會持續變好的"
: "You don't want to see him continue, because it starts to play on your mind
: after too many games. He rebounded and pitched strong."
"你不會想看他繼續(欠佳的表現)的, 因為(輸球的陰影)會在一場場比賽之後,
不斷在你心中出現. 小王已重新振作起來, 並且投得相當好"
- Apr 27 Thu 2006 22:31