最近王建民(Chien-Ming WANG)表現算有點運氣運氣,12勝入袋後,現在有機會趕緊挑戰13勝,拜前面幾位投手運氣不佳所賜,讓王建民有了追趕的機會,而且若照這樣的勝率和運氣,今年球季拿下18勝應該也不成問題。下面又是一篇BBS上鄉民翻的好文章,值得大家欣賞一番。
本文出自紐約洋基隊官方雜誌《Yankees Magazine》2007年8月號
92-94頁〈Kay Corner〉專欄
〈Unsung Hero〉 by Michael Kay 翻譯:sam2 @ Ptt Wang看板
Chien-Ming Wang's low-key approach on and off the field fails to reflect
the value he brings to the Yankees lineup.
Chien-Ming Wang might be the most unknown star in all of New York sports,
but for what he means to the Yankees,Wang is the Bomber's stealth starter.
Think of all the New York teams,and then try to figure out the players who
contribute the most to their success.There is no one who works under the
same anonymity as Wang.
The Knicks?Stephon Marbury has his own sneaker line.The Giants?Michael
Strahan is a retirement away from being the next big star on network TV.
The Nets?Jason Kidd is considered one of the best ever at his position.
The Mets?David Wright and Jose Reyes.Both are incredibly well-known
glittering stars in the New York sky.
想想尼克隊,Stephon Marbury甚至擁有自己的球鞋生產線。美式足球紐約巨人隊的Michael Strahan退休後成為下一個在網路電視上的明星。那麼籃網隊?Jason Kidd被認為是有史以來該位置最好的球員之一。而大都會的David Wright和Jose Reyes更早就已經成為知名的球星,高掛閃爍在紐約的夜空當中。(老實說我還真討厭Stephon Marbury,又臭屁,還說是什麼天下第一後衛.....看他的整體價值,真是一樁爛交易。)
You name a team not only in New York but anywhere in this country and you
would be hard-pressed to find a key player quieter and more unobtrusive
than Wang.
Wang's dominance is even soft,not loud.He throws a fastball that upward of
95 mph but doesn't strike out many batters.His signature move on the mound
is to get the batter to pound the ball into the ground.If he got 27 ground
balls for a complete game,he would be extremely happy.
But consider this:How many times have you senn ESPN lead SportsCenter with
a pitcher who induces a lot of ground balls and a couples of double plays?
Not often,if ever.
A ground-ball pitcher is commensurate with a defensive specialist in bask-
etball.You don't see the Spur's Bruce Bowen making any highlight reels,but
his defensive stops have helped lead San Antonio to many championships.
滾地球投手好比是籃球中以防守見長的球員,你不會看見馬刺的Bruce Bowen在比賽精華中被剪進他的表現。但是他的防守曾經多次幫助馬刺隊進到冠軍賽場上。
The Yankees are so dependent on Wang that the general feeling is if he
ever went down or inexplicably had a bad year,their fortunes would ride
the same wave.
So why the invisible-man act?
Obviously,the language barries is a big reason,but it's not the all-
encompassing one.Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez was very important to the
Yankees,and he never said more than hello in English to the media while
in pintstripes;yet,he was considered a star.It seems his action on the
mound screamed out how important he was.
顯然語言會是個重要的原因,但是絕非是全部的原因。公爵Orlando Hernandez在洋基隊的時候,除了Hello幾乎不在媒體前說任何的英文。但他仍然被認為是個明星,他在球場上的表現就說明了他對球隊有多重要。
Also,look at Hideki Matsui.Matsui rarely,if ever,conducts a lenghthy
interview in English,but his star burns bright here and in Japan,where
he is a supernova.
Incredibly,Wang might actually be bigger in Taiwan than Matsui is in
Japan.Although Wang has not yet made big bucks in the big league,he
cashes big checks with endorsements in his homeland.He is a big star back
home as many movie star is here in the States.
In Taiwan,Wang can't even leave home without being mobbed,but here,the
tall righthander can walk on the street of Manhattan and not cause that
much of a stir.
And it's not as if Wang is elusive about the spotlight. He talks with the
media and is,in fact,very accommodating.He does interviews in English,and
while not yet an Alistair Cooke,he gets his points across just fine.
註:Alistair Cooke是2004年逝世的紐約著名記者和廣播主持人。
Despite his low-key approach,Wang gets respect when he is on the mound.
Opponents whisper about how filthy his stuff is and how his heavy sinker
is almost imposibble to lift and put into play with authority.Players
repeatedly pound the into the ground,hustle to first,and head back to the
dugout,shaking their heads.
In a strange way,they were overpowered.Not exactly an easy oh-fer,but
certainly not as embrassing as a golden sombrero,where a player strike
out four times.But while there is a comfort level to an at-bat against
Wang,batters still feel dominated,almost as if they had on chance.
註:golden sombrero在棒球英文中就是指一個球員一場被三振四次的意思。wiki
的解釋是,在運動當中單場三次的表現叫做帽子戲法(hat trick),那麼第四
另外被三振五次叫做Olympic Rings 或是 platinum sombrero ...
His sinker is thrown much harder than most two-seam fastballs,adding an
explosive quality to an otherwise workingman's pitch.He can also mix in
an occasional four-seamer that explodes up in the zone.He will sometimes
show a breaking ball or a change-up just to keep the batter off balance.
His arsenal is impressive,and it is widely thought that when he is on,he
can't be touched.
He is arguably the Yankee's No.1 starter,but amidst a rotation that
sports a galaxy of stars thar includes Roger Clemens,Andy Pettitte and
Mike Mussina,Wang flies under the radar.
So,despite being one of the best at what he does,Wang has not yet gained
the celebrity to match his importance.Not a big deal to him,as he would
rather be on the back page than Page Six.
- Aug 02 Thu 2007 16:06