
第70屆金球獎預計台灣時間2013年1月14日上午九點頒獎,Star Movies、Star Movies HD以及Star World頻道,都將於當日上午9點直播盛會。戲劇類最佳影片Best Motion Picture – Drama

音樂或喜劇類最佳影片Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy
《悲慘世界》Les Misrables

最佳導演Best Director
班艾佛列克Ben Affleck –《亞果出任務》Argo

戲劇類最佳男主角Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama
丹尼爾戴路易斯Daniel Day-Lewis –《林肯》Lincoln

戲劇類最佳女主角Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
潔西卡崔斯坦Jessica Chastain –《00:30凌晨密令》Zero Dark Thirty

音樂及喜劇類最佳男主角Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama
休傑克曼Hugh Jackman –《悲慘世界》Les Misrables

音樂及喜劇類最佳女主角Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
珍妮佛勞倫斯Jennifer Lawrence–《派特的幸福劇本》Silver Linings Playbook

最佳男配角Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture
克里斯多夫沃茲Christopher Waltz –《決殺令》Django Unchained

最佳女配角Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture
安海瑟葳Anne Hathaway –《悲慘世界》Les Misrables

最佳劇本Best Screenplay
《決殺令》Django Unchained

最佳配樂Best Original Score
《少年PI的奇幻漂流》Life of Pi

最佳歌曲Best Original Song
Skyfall –《007:空降危機》Skyfall

最佳外語片Best Foreign Language Film
《愛‧慕》Amour – 奧地利 Austria

最佳動畫Best Animated Feature Film

Best TV Series - Drama: "Homeland"
Best Actress TV Series - Drama: Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Best Actor TV Series - Drama: Damien Lewis, "Homeland"
Best Actress TV Series - Comedy: Lena Dunham, "Girls"
Best Actor TV Series - Comedy: Don Cheadle, "House of Lies"
Best TV Miniseries or Movie: "Game Change"
Best Actress - TV Miniseries or Movie: Julianne Moore, "Game Change"
Best Actor - TV Miniseries or Movie: Kevin Costner, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Best Supporting Actress - TV Series, Miniseries, Movie: Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"

終身成就獎Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement in Motion Pictures
茱蒂佛斯特Jodie Foster

    創作者 膝關節 的頭像


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