


Gator-aid: Wang's gem sinks Sox
Ace takes game to new level thanks to Guidry's guidance
By Bryan Hoch /

靠著古錐仔琢磨小王這塊寶玉 擊沉襪子。"王"牌感謝古錐的幫忙 讓他更上一層樓

NEW YORK -- They walked side-by-side out a blue concrete corridor, through
the bowels of Yankee Stadium and up to street level: the 6-foot-3 ace hurler
holding a good size advantage over the club's top pitcher some three decades

Clutching a Coca-Cola cup and clad in a baggy Nike T-shirt, Chien-Ming Wang
looked down at his pitching coach, Ron Guidry, listening attentively. Wang
understood that, even within his afternoon's importance, he still had some
growing to do.
抓著罐可口可樂,穿著寬鬆的NIKE T-shirt,小王聚精會神地聽著投教給他的指導。小王了解即使他下午的表現如此重要,他還是有許多成長空間。

Wang took a no-hitter into the seventh inning and Robinson Cano homered twice,
completing a series sweep of the Red Sox with a 5-0 victory on Thursday. Wang
allowed just one hit, but it was the free passes -- four of them -- that
chafed both teacher and pupil, vowing to improve upon for next time.


"Back to the drawing board," Guidry said.
One day after Roger Clemens took a no-hitter into the sixth inning, Wang did
one better, bringing the game into the seventh with the suddenly-dormant
Boston offense still holding a zero in the hit column. Mike Lowell finally
broke up the no-no bid with a single to right, extending his hitting streak
to 12 games.

古椎仔說:"再來好好上一課吧!"前一天火箭人才投出近六局無安打,小王今天更棒,到第七局才被Mike Lowell打出一隻一壘安打,也使他連續安打場次推進到12場。

The right-hander, in command of his sinker, slider and changeup, walked four
batters but was able to escape the big hit on his way to victory No. 16,
tying for the Major League lead. He even garnered defensive help from an
unlikely source -- first baseman Jason Giambi, who dove to his right to stab
a Dustin Pedroia shot to end the third inning.

Part of Wang's success may stem back to changes made prior to his Aug. 19
start against Detroit, when Guidry began incorporating several small,
hard-to-notice mechanical adjustments. Wang said he has also modified his
pitch selection.

"The last two times, I have a lot of change of speeds," Wang said. "More
sliders, more changeups. [Catcher Jorge] Posada calls good pitches."

"He's such a joy to work with," Guidry said. "He works hard, even as successful
as he is. He still takes your criticism you give him so he can get better."

The victory, completing a sweep on the heels of strong pitching from Andy
Pettitte and Clemens, moved New York into sole possession of the American
League Wild Card lead. New York closed within five games of the AL East-leading
Red Sox.

"We know we're better than what we did in Detroit," manager Joe Torre said,
referring to a lost weekend in which the Yankees dropped three of four.
"There wasn't anything we had to answer to. You're going to do as well as your
pitching, and our starting pitching in this series was terrific."


Those were welcome turns of events for the Yankees, considering their dismal
2-5 road trip to Anaheim and Detroit. Now, with 28 games remaining, optimism


"Nothing's over until your last out," Cano said. "We've got a month left.
We've got to keep playing hard and win games."

Cano had both of the first two big hits for the Yankees, reaching Curt
Schilling twice to club his second multi-homer game of the season. Cano drilled
a line-drive homer to left-center off Schilling to lead off the third inning
and then went right back to Monument Park to start the fifth, drawing a
curtain call from the paid matinee crowd of 55,067.

"It was a big game," Torre said, "to have a big game."

Bobby Abreu added an important RBI double off Hideki Okajima in the eighth,
the 400th two-base hit of his career. A Jason Varitek throwing error down the
left-field line on Abreu's steal attempt allowed two more runs to score.

Schilling lasted seven innings, allowing just the two home runs and six hits,
walking one and striking out four. Three of the hits were by Jeter, who singled
in the eighth off Okajima to complete a four-hit afternoon.
席林姊其實也不差啦,就是那兩隻全壘打失分... 而且隊長也從他手中敲出三隻安打喔!之後還從接手的天天剛手中擊出單場第四隻安打...(鄉民太寶了吧,還席林姐,要不要叫Jolin姐算了?)

"We need every game," Jeter said. "I'd tell you the same thing if we beat a
high school team three games in a row. We need victories, no matter who we

Red Sox manager Terry Francona was ejected on a controversial double play in
the seventh, as J.D. Drew grounded to third baseman Alex Rodriguez, who lunged
for Kevin Youkilis but missed the tag before throwing to first base. Youkilis
was ruled out when Torre complained that Youkilis had run out of the baseline
to avoid Rodriguez's tag, planting his feet on the infield grass.

"Alex wasn't trying just to make a token tag, he reached out," Torre said.


Joba Chamberlain threw his 11th scoreless inning around a Pedroia double in
the eighth, then unexpectedly returned for duty in the ninth, a decision
revolving around pitch count and the lack of a save situation for the warmed-up
Mariano Rivera.

"Every once in a while," Torre said, "we're going to take certain liberties."


The maneuver did not constitute a change to the so-called "Joba Rules" which
have restricted his use, according to general manager Brian Cashman, just a
planned evolution. Cashman insisted that he had no issue with Torre's use of
Chamberlain, but did say that he would prefer if the parameters of the
"Joba Rules" would remain in-house.

"From my perspective, we have not deviated from anything," Cashman said.
"There's a game plan in place and we're sticking to it."

After getting one out in the ninth, Chamberlain was ejected by home-plate
umpire Angel Hernandez after twice sailing pitches over Youkilis' head.
Chamberlain's final pitch was clocked at 98 mph and drew an immediate reaction
from Hernandez.

"There is more than a little bit of history between these clubs," said crew
chief Derryl Cousins, the second base umpire. "Those were two pretty nasty
pitches the young man threw. Up here, you need to be a little better throwing
strikes, and we just had to put a lid on it before there was a problem."

The move left Chamberlain stunned, meandering around the infield between home
plate and first base while Torre pleaded his case with the umpiring crew.

"I'm new to this whole game," Chamberlain said. "I want to be aggressive and
competitive, but not with a negative connotation."


Moose失掉先發的位子由Kennedy取代, 張伯倫持續好調, Britton走出老托的狗屋

1. Mussina跳過一次先發, Ian Kennedy得到一個上大聯盟的機會。洋基在昨晚的比賽賽
後宣佈他們去年第一輪選中的新秀Kennedy, 將在周六對上魔鬼魚時先發, 以取代最
近三場全敗的Mussina。總教練老托說: "我們會讓Moose跳過一次先發, 再看看情形怎
麼樣。我們會看看這樣的改變如何, 然後再評估看看。"

2. 22歲的Kennedy在3A的Scranton/Wilkes-Barre的六場先發, 成績是1勝1敗2.08的自責
失分率。就像他最好的朋友, 2006年同是首輪簽下的張伯倫 (他怎麼一下子變成所有
人的好朋友了), 今年同樣在1A的Tampa開始投球, 在1A到3A三個層級的投球,共投了
146又1/3局, 拿到12勝3敗1.93的自責失分率,並拿到163次的三振。Mussina則在最
近9又2/3局的投球中失了19分, 被打出25支安打。最近一次在週一對上老虎隊,只在

3. 老托就在昨天賽前告訴Mussina這個消息, 並告訴他: "只要繼續做好現在所做的調整,
持續讓你的狀況回復, 我們將看看球隊打得的情況再說。" 老托又說: "這是我必須
去面對很難開口的談話之一,他對這結果相當沮喪。他很失望, 我想這麼描述應該是
最恰當的。" 老托說Moose在這段期間也不會當牛棚的投手。

4. Mussina在昨晚賽後拒絕討論這種換人的決定,他說: "今晚我無可奉告,今晚我沒什
麼好說的。" (那個白目的去問他,找釘子碰)。Mussina在史丹福大學的投手教練
Tom Dunton說他昨天和Moose談過了,他認為可以說是Moose的信心已經動搖了。他說
: "他的手臂沒事, 身體的其他部份則完全亂了套。之前他一直想辦法讓自己好轉...
倒。" (還是相信Moose的狀況會調整回來...加油吧!)

5. 張伯倫已經面對過老虎和天使隊所派出最好的打者。但上來面對紅襪打線,包括讓人
膽寒的Daviz Ortiz, 還是另一個重大的挑戰。然而,這個菜鳥後援投手就只在些許
然後只投三球就三振了小王殺手新司機, 接著讓賣肉打出一壘安打後,讓絕地豬在滿
Ortiz,但不是因為老爹有大聯盟嚇嚇叫的紀錄。他說: "那個人是David Ortiz, 每個
為祭品拿到第一個出局數真是棒, 有點為這局後面的投球定了好調,也讓我的信心
有點回復過來了。" (在天使之戰時他還去跟葛雷諾要簽名球,結果上場後就將他三
振了。這次不知有沒有如法炮製一下...張伯倫真是蠻有趣的小朋友) 張伯倫在他大
  聯盟八次出賽共十局的投球中還沒有失分。(不知道失分會怎麼樣, 真希望在大比

6. 在昨天的比賽前洋基把左投手香汗送回了3A, 重新叫上了右投手超級沒有愛的Chris
聯盟中投球了。在本季與3A Scranton 37場的比賽中,Britton的成績是4勝2敗2.51
的自責失分率, 在57又1/3的投球中投出58次三振,只有14個保送。老托說: "他(長
得不得我的緣)不算相當有壓制能力 (老托不老兒你都可以忍受了,Britton又是怎
樣了), 但他可以讓打者出局,可以給牛棚一丁點的強度。上次他上來時我們注意到

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