昨天看了「火箭人」羅傑克萊門斯先發對上水手隊的比賽,不知為何,老克的球似乎少了很多球威,雖然厲害的指叉球還是現身,但許多偏高的球都被水手隊球員逮個正著,之後派「穆帥」麥克穆西納中繼,也表現不夠亮眼,投3.2局掉2分,也算為自己的自信心能建立一點點吧,畢竟之前掉太多分了。水手隊昨天算攻守俱佳,King Felix越投越順,隊友防守超強,洋基真的輸了只能怨自己。火箭人的失速,讓明天王建民先發更加壓力重大,希望王建民持續發揮壓制水手的能力,也能順利拿下第17勝。以下為網友翻譯之熱血文章。再附上另一篇,大家最近都在討論的少年強投張柏倫的文章
Yankees Can Add Clemens’s Elbow to Recent Woes
Published: September 4, 2007
重點: 洋基最近的不幸可能還要加上老克的肘
1. Nolan Ryan是歷史上唯一比老克更多三振的球員, Ryan在46歲時投出他最後一球對上西雅圖水手隊, 手肘韌帶的撕裂傷結束了Ryan相當耐久的生涯。45歲的老克不確定性的手肘問題讓他昨天以7比1輸給水手隊。老克離開球場進行MRI的檢查, 老托說老克會錯過一次先發, 也不確定老克能否在下週紅襪的系列賽中出賽。老托說, 一 切要等檢查結果才知道, 老克會錯過一次先發, 也希望就只是這樣。
2. Moose從2003美聯冠軍系列賽第七戰為老克中繼以來, 首次以後援出賽, 投了3又2/3局被打七安丟了兩分, 下一場也將頂替老克先發的位置, 他說: 你可能太理想化的希望洋基可以從七月中直到季末打出七成的勝率, 但我們振作了起來, 現在在外卡領先,最近四天我們特別是沒有打得很好, 希望再來的比賽可以用更多活力和熱情來比賽。
3. 失掉老克對先發輪值有重大影響, 除了Pettitte和小王在下半季拿下15勝4敗外, 洋基剩下很抖的Moose, 和兩隻菜鳥Hughes和Kennedy.
4. 老克投了很猛的六局打敗紅襪後, 手肘的問題便有點嚴重, 經過醫生的治療後決定不打一針可體松。昨晚Gator和老克討論後確定老克是健康的, 老克決定上場投球。老托說, 老克比任何人都了解自己的身體, 而且就老托的經驗, 一個投手上場投了那麼久, 上到投手丘或多或少帶著一些小傷痛, 尤其老克投了這麼多年了。所以老托真的相信, 老克能應付的事不會是一次神鬼奇航記(unchared waters)。"
5. 老克的情況就跟去年處理MO手肘的狀況一樣, 去年8月30日手肘問題困擾著Rivera,但洋基並沒有馬上讓他休息但那天MO解決老虎隊後, 照過MRI後第二天下午又上場,直到投後覺得肌肉緊繃才休息了三週。
6. 洋基其實事前就有讓Moose頂替老克的準備, 但還是沒讓老克休息看醫生, 而順了老克的意願讓他上場投球。老托說, 這不是什麼不尋常的事, 前三局投球狀況還控制的不錯, 直到第四局老克才覺得手肘的毛病一直影響他。老克的球速並沒有太大的不同, 他有時還投出91, 92miles的速球。無論老克覺得有什麼不舒服, 他都沒有告訴Posada。Posada說老克的手肘除了昨天和對上紅襪那次以外, 一直沒什麼問題。老克對上老虎時則有右腳破皮的問題, 老托賽前說老克右腳的問題困擾老克比較大,手肘反而不是什麼大警訊。老托說: "告訴大家一些內幕, 年初時老克也有相同的問題, 但老克自己處理好了也回來投球了,我相信他去年在太空人, 還有我猜他先前在洋基隊時, 也都有相同的問題, 但那毛病來了一下又好了。我不是說那是老了退化的現象, 而是老克肌耐力的能力, 假如任何人都疑慮的話, 我們會先用MRI檢測再看情況怎樣。"
7. 但這疑慮現在來了, 洋基只希望MRI的檢測不會宣判老克的生涯就像Ryan一樣就這樣令人惋惜地結束了。
8. 鈴木一朗已經連七季打200支以上的安打, 歷史上唯一有同樣記錄的只有Willie Keeler和Wade Boggs, 一朗是史上第三人。
原文出處: Daily News - New York
原文網址: http://www.nydailynews.com/sport ... e_book_on_joba.html
The book on Joba 近距離接觸 - 張伯倫
Father and son write pitcher's next chapter
Two fields stood across the street from Joba Chamberlain's house in Lincoln, Neb., one grass, one gravel, and on summer evenings, kids from across the whole neighborhood in the northeast part of town would gather outside to play baseball. The Chamberlains kept enough gloves and bats for everyone and Joba's father, Harlan, would umpire games from his wheelchair, offering coaching tips between calls.
兩片野地橫跨Joba Chamberlain家前的街道,一是綠草地,另一個是砂地。夏天的傍晚,來自城鎮東北方整個街坊的孩子們全聚在一起打棒球。Chamberlain家為每個人收集足夠的手套及球棒,而Joba的父親Harlan則坐在輪椅上充當裁判,及在比賽間提供指導意見。
When there wasn't a game, Chamberlain and his father still played catch in the yard, even during the winter. "If it wasn't blowin' or a million degrees below zero, we were out there," Harlan Chamberlain says.
在沒有比賽的時候,Chamberlain及父親仍會在後院傳球接捕,即使在冬季期間,「只要不是刮風或那種零下冷到不行的天氣,我們還是會出去。」Harlan Chamberlain說。
The aluminum siding on the house had hundreds of dents. The father would urge the boy to dive for grounders. The boy would get dirty. The father never yelled.
Harlan couldn't use his left hand, so he would catch the ball with his right, take off the worn Wilson glove he'd bought back in 1972, and throw the ball back to his son. The boy threw his hardest until he was 8 years old. That's when the father said his hand couldn't take the sting anymore.
"It was always all about baseball," Joba Chamberlain says now, smiling. Both men say those memories are among the fondest of their lives.
Now the boy plays at Yankee Stadium, the thunderous roar of fans who have taken to him like a son of Nebraska takes to Cornhusker red pounding in his ears. A blistering, 99-mile-per-hour fastball and a biting breaking pitch have made him a cult hero in the Bronx. The 55-year-old father, back in Lincoln, watches the games on a computer, his nurse nearby, a Yankee cap on his head, his heart swelling.
It is seemingly all about baseball, still. But there is so much more to the Chamberlains' story than fastballs, fist pumps and cheering fans.
It is the life of Harlan Chamberlain, a strong man who never let a body ravaged by polio or a childhood spent in a hospital and in foster care destroy him. It includes a broken marriage and Harlan raising his two kids himself in a two-bedroom house, one room for his daughter, Tasha. For 11 years, Harlan and Joba slept in the same bed. Money was sometimes so tight that Harlan pawned his valuables to provide for his children.
這是Harlan Chamberlain的人生,一個堅強的男人,從未被小兒麻痺或因在醫院及療養院度過童年時光的困境擊倒他。這還包括一次失敗的婚姻,Harlan獨立撫養兩個小孩,在僅有兩間臥室的房子裡,其中一個房間給了他的女兒Tasha,11年以來,Harlan 和 Joba睡在同一張床。經濟狀況有時如此拮據,Harlan於是典當自己的財物以供給他的小孩。
Joba knows his dad's history, how he was apart from his family, which lived on the Winnebago Indian Reservation, 107 miles north of Lincoln. How his father agonized through the disease that left him with a limp and, later, a motorized scooter. Harlan can still recite the total time he spent in the hospital - "six years, five months and 11 days."
"It's been rough, but it gave me the strength to be the person I am today," Harlan says. "In raising my children, I wanted them to have the nurturing and the love and respect that I didn't get a whole lot of growing up."
Says Joba: "He's been given limitations, but we all have limitations in life. Not once in my life did he ever ask why. He's taken it and run with it. People tend to make a bigger deal of it than it is."
While his father's struggle has helped him gain perspective, so has Joba's own life. His parents were divorced when he was a toddler. Joba is circumspect about his current relationship with his mother, saying only, "I talk to her every once in a great while. She's a mom, I'll always love her. It's never too late. That's about all I can say about that."
When he was 12, his best friend, Nate Raun, died of brain cancer on Thanksgiving Day. Joba still wears a uniform number that adds up to eight - he's got No. 62 with the Yankees - because Raun's number in youth baseball was 8. He still keeps in touch with Raun's family and says, "I know he's still part of my life."
在他12歲時,他最好的朋友Nate Raun在感恩節因腦癌去世。Joba仍然穿著加起來等於8的球衣號碼-他在洋基穿62號(意指6+2=8),因為Raun小時候的球號是8號。他與Raun的家人還保持聯繫,「我知道他仍是我生命的一部份」。
Joba has helped care for his father for years, doing things around the house his dad couldn't. When Harlan has been sick, Joba and his sister have been there. A year ago, Harlan's appendix burst and his temperature soared to 104.8 degrees. Joba recalls that doctors told him that if Harlan had gotten to the hospital "20 or 30 minutes later," his body would have started shutting down. Harlan spent 13 days in intensive care and is still recuperating - it's why he hasn't yet seen Joba pitch for the Yankees in person.
His father's attitude has helped, too. Joba knows how hard it was for Harlan to admit in 1991 that he needed a scooter to get around. When he got one, it opened up his whole life again and Harlan hasn't stopped since, working as an usher at Nebraska sporting events after retiring from his job as a prison counselor for 27 years. He's still a fixture at area high school games, too, and the other day was calling a bingo game for senior citizens.
Harlan has always believed in himself, and his children. "What parent worth his salt doesn't?" Harlan asks. Perhaps that is where Joba got the confidence to reach the majors so quickly and even to playfully tweak Derek Jeter, the Yanks' master needler, in the clubhouse.
Harlan一向相信自己,也相信他的小孩。「什麼樣的父母就有什麼樣的小孩,不是嗎?」或許那就是Joba擁有如此自信在短時間迅速立足大聯盟,甚至在休息室玩鬧起洋基的毒舌大師Derek Jeter。
"Everything we've been through, it shapes who you are," Joba says. "I wouldn't change anything in the world the way I grew up and all the things I had and didn't have."
- Sep 04 Tue 2007 15:29